Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a way of transferring documents (orders, invoices, delivery receipts…) from computer-to-computer in a standard electronic format between trading partners: this is essentially the first step towards document dematerialization in order to be able to suppress physical exchanges, and achieve a "zero-paper" target. This is essential for the performance of companies operating in real-time.
Depending on the field of activity, there multiple EDI translation tools, and as many approaches to run EDI systems within a community of business partners (direct 'point to point' EDI, using various communication channels, or via external networks, etc.).
IPLS offers an EDI translator native to IBM i: TBT EDI ; coupled with the multi-protocol communication software TBT400 (itself compatible with most of the translators EDI on the market), this is an ideal hybrid solution that will satisfy most, if not all, of the business needs.